Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 6, 2010

RecBoot: Easy Error 1015 Fixer Tool For Mac And Windows

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In our previous post, we told you about ‘Error 1015 fixer‘ , a simple tool that can fix your 1015 error with one click . This kind of error usually occur when trying to restore to custom firmwares or downgrading existing firmwares. Now, we got another tool for you, which is both for Mac and Windows and it is called ‘RecBoot’.

The tool is dead simple, and everybody can use it. It has two buttons ‘Enter Recovery Mode’ and ‘Exit Recovery Mode’ , and you don’t have to be a genius to know which one to click.

Download :

NOTE: Windows tool requires .NET 4.0

[via fsm]

Error 1015 Fixer: Exit Recovery Mode In 1 Click ( Windows )

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So in the everyday testing/jailbreaking process we run into a multitude of issues and errors. Mainly the errors occur when trying to restore to custom firmwares or downgrading existing firmwares. Always ending up in recovery mode (Connect to iTunes and the plug).

Some errors you can’t avoid or kick out of (i.e error 1600 ), but the 1015 error you get from trying to downgrade, you can using a tool called 
iRecovery. Which involves cmd line and some typing of cmds that are not always easy to remember.

Well, Windows users we got a new tool for you: Called “Error 1015 Fixer”.Its a one click and you’re done deal. Nothing super exiting here, other than its just a dead simple way to get out of recovery mode.

Packaged up by a regular in the iH8sn0w IRC channel CJ ( @penguinz1). It doesn’t get any easier than this. Even includes links to the libUSB that you need to use the tool.

Now, before you start emailing that this doesn’t fix error 1600 and get all in a tizzy. the tool is called Error 1015 Fixer…not Error 1600 fixer..try 
iREB for that.

Get the tool 

[via fsm]

App Store No Longer Supports iOS 2.x Apps

The App Store will no longer support iOS 2.x applications, according to the iOS 4 Readiness Checklist for developers.

Existing apps in the Apps Store and those built using iPhone SDK 3.1.3 should already run on iOS 4 without modification. However, you should test your existing apps on a development device running iOS 4 to be certain there aren't any compatibility issues. 
All new applications and updates to existing applications must be built with iPhone SDK 4. Please note, the App Store will not longer support applications that target iOS 2.x.

Apple also recommends resubmitting your application with high resolution artwork for those who have not done this already.
Read More [via @stroughtonsmith]

RedSn0w Update Fixes iOS 4 APN/MMS Issues

MuscleNerd has announced an update to RedSn0w which fixes APN/MMS issues that jailbreakers might be experiencing with iOS 4.0.
The latest redsn0w beta should fix any APN or MMS issues that users were seeing. It's safe to re-run it on an already jailbroken iPhone without restoring…just deselect “Install Cydia” if you do that.

You can download the update from here:
Read More

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 6, 2010

How to install iMovie in iPhone 3G S (Mac)

Note: You will need a Mac for this.
1) Download ipa file of iMovie (v1.0) -
2) Right click , and select compress
3) A folder will be created which will contains files : iTunes Artwork , iTunesMetadata.plist and Payload folder.
4) Pay load folder will contain the app file “”
5) Right click on it to show packages and search for info.plist. Here u will have to make certain changes. U can also change the firmware version if it doesn’t match with the firmware you are on currently. Also uncheck the front facing camera. After all these changes , save the file to the same location.
5) Now , use fugu to extract root folder via SHSH of ur iPhone (Jailbroken). Go to the path /Applications and drag and drop the

6) go to info at the top and change the permission to 0775.
7) reboot and u will notice a new icon called iMovie in your iPhone 3G S
8) Now , the application will work properly but u will see a white icon. Install , install0us from cydia and u will get the icon of iMovie automatically.
9) Enjoy iMovie on your iPhone 3G S :)
Once again I’d like to thank Monis for sharing this with us. If you’ve any concerns then you can communicate with him directly on his twitter (@monis_manzoor) account.

iMovie Runs on the iPhone 3GS Just Fine [Video]

David Romhan Torres has succeeded in getting iMovie to run on his iPhone 3GS with little difficulties.
I just make iMovie for iphone 4 run on an iphone 3GS, it’s very simple just download the file, modify info.plist file and change the Minimum system version to 3.0.0 and UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities/front-facing-camera to false

Take a look at the video below posted by RedmondPie. They've posted some instructions as well; however, the installation of the modified ipa requires circumventing Apple's DRM so we can't post a full tutorial.
Read More

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 6, 2010

iWork Pages Ported to iPhone

Click the image to open in full size.

By now I'm sure you've heard of iWork from Apple. When the iPad was released, Apple released iWork Apps, such as Pages, as iPad only apps. Pages is an easy to use type program similar to Word. Yes, the screenshot above is messy, but its work in progress, and it's great news for the modding community.

Until now, this app was only available for the iPad, but with a little bit of hacking, some Plist modifications and some patience, the app has now been ported to the iPhone by 
Steve Troughton-Smith. While all this testing has been done on an iPhone 4, stroughtonsmith has put some hard work into porting the app, and he believes that it will be fully iOS 4 compatible.

At this point, things don't quite fit, but thats understandable, knowing this App was originally intended for the iPad and it's higher resolution. It has been noted though that Apple may possibly release an official version for the iPhone 4... 
[Read More]

iPhone 4 Costs $187.51 To Make. More Than iPhone 3G or 3Gs

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Electronista reports that, the iPhone 4 is Apple’s most expensive ever phone to make short of the original phone itself, a price breakdown by iSuppli has found. A 16GB example costs about $187.51 in raw parts; the bill is less than the $223 of the 2007 original but more than the $173 iPhone 3G and the $178.96 iPhone 3GS. Most of that cost increase is attributed to the LG Display-built 960×640 IPS screen, which is estimated to cost $28.50 all by itself.

The next most expensive part is thought to be Apple’s custom-designed, but Samsung manufactured, A4 processor, which could cost about $10.75. Adding a gyroscope from STMicro may have also hiked the price by $2.60 on top of the accelerometer. A front camera also influences the price, but its cost isn’t yet known.

Activator For iPhone, iPod Touch And iPad Gets A Beta Update

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New day, new update in Cydia: Activator. Activator is a common library for activation of apps and plugins , and the new update comes with the following changes:

  • unassign button in settings header
  • send deactivate event at lock screen
  • basic volume event heuristics
  • fixed lock/menu event weirdness
  • abort event when Voice Control is triggered
  • prevent getting “stucke” inside an app
  • wildcat support
  • fix potential crash
You can find Activator in Cydia via BigBoss repo…

iOS 4.0.1 Release Seems Imminent. Save Your SHSH Blobs Now!

By now, most of you might have heard rumors about the iOS 4.0.1 firmware update which Apple is preparing to release tomorrow in order to fix the ongoing reception issue on iPhone 4. Even though the issue is most likely related to the hardware, the buzz is that Apple is preparing a software fix in order to avoid (Apple sold 1.5 million iPhone 4s on the first day) what could be the biggest recall in the history of consumer electronics.
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All iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPod touch 2G/3G users on iOS 4 must backup their SHSH blobs (ECID SHSH) files now. This is important because if the new firmware update is released tomorrow, Apple will stop signing the old firmware which will make it impossible for you to backup your signatures. Without having SHSH blobs saved, you cant downgrade back to the old firmware should you need to.

If you are on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G/3G, follow the complete step by step guide posted 
here to save your SHSH blobs using TinyUmbrella. iPhone 4 users can follow the guide posted here to backup their SHSH files.

If you want to learn more about what SHSH blobs or ECID SHSH files are, you can do so by reading one of my old article posted 

Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 6, 2010

New Backgrounder Update : Multitasking App For iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad

IMG 0043 266x400 New Backgrounder Update : Multitasking App For  iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad backgrounder 21 266x400 New Backgrounder Update : Multitasking App  For iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad
New day, new update in Cydia: Backgrounder. The new update of this tweak that activates the backgrounded multitasking on all iOS devices brings the following changes:
  • FIX: the settings file was not being loaded correctly. This is a long-standing bug that appears to affect all recent firmwares ( >3.1.3 ). This bug caused App Store apps to always use the backgrounder method to background , even if set to use Native. There may still be issues with some of Apple’s default apps on 4.0
You can find Backgrounder in Cydia via BigBoss repo…

How To: Use PwnageTool 4.01 to get iBooks working on jailbroken iOS 4

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[This is a quick post to help iOS 4 jailbreak users "fix" their iBooks installs through a new firmware install -- if you're looking for a way to jailbreak iOS 4 in the first place, see

I had a pretty big iPhone scare at 3 AM this morning. I was installing a new custom iOS 4 firmware (courtesy of the updated PwnageTool 4.01) when the installation hung at around the 90 percent point. I waited about fifteen minutes to see if it would progress at all, but I eventually made the decision to reset the iPhone and try again. And again. And again.

I tried recovery mode, DFU mode, and tried flashing stock versions of 3.1.2 and 4.0 aside from the custom iOS 4 restore I made in PwnageTool. Add a little bit of frantic Googling in between, and this whole process, all told, took about two hours (the only reason I undertook this endeavour, by the way, is because PwnageTool 4.0 creates problems with iBooks, and PwnageTool 4.01 custom firmwares fix them).

Then, right as I was about to give up, I remembered an e-mail exchange between our very own Patrick Jordan and Josh Gard. Patrick had initially had trouble installing the stock version of iOS 4 (coming from the 4.0 GM) and Josh suggested he try and disable the Wi-Fi Sync utility (the desktop partner of the Wi-Fi Sync jailbreak app). After following Josh’s advice I breathed a gigantic sigh of relief (or maybe it was a yawn? It was 5 in the bloody AM at that point) when the firmware install finally took and the updated, iBooks-compatible iOS 4 landed on my 3GS.

Hit the jump for the nitty gritty.

So if you’ve already jailbroken iOS 4 with PwnageTool 4.0 and are trying to fix iBooks, here’s my bit of advice:

* make sure you have a recent iTunes backup

* create a new custom firmware with PwnageTool 4.01 (using the final build of iOS 4.0, just like I said in this guide)
* put your iPhone into Recovery Mode (see iClarified guide if you need help)
* use iTunes to restore to your newly created PwnageTool 4.01 custom firmware (you don’t need to worry about re-editing your /etc/host files as described here, I still have them set to Cydia’s servers and it worked out fine)
* enjoy your newly working iBooks app

Good luck, and good reading!

iDetector:Simple Tool Detects If Your iPhone 3Gs New/old bootrom

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iDector is a real easy to use application to tell wheter or not your iPhone 3Gs contains the New Bootrom or the Old bootrom. Simply place your 3GS into DFU mode and click the button.

How to place your iPhone into DFU mode:
* turn off your iPhone
* press home button ( don’t release )
* insert USB cable while still holding down the home button


* connect your iPhone via USB
* turn the iPhone off
* hold the power+home button for 10 seconds
* release the power button and continue holding the home button for another 10 seconds

How to get your iPhone back from DFU mode:

* hold power+home button until your iPhone turns off
* press the power button to turn your iPhone back on

Download Link:

Apple Posts New FaceTime Ad [Video]

The ad is set to 'When You Smiling', a song by Larry Shay, Mark Fisher, and Joe Goodwin, and made famous by Louis Armstrong.

Take a look below...


Full Root Shell on iPhone4 [Screenshot]

MuscleNerd has posted a screenshot demonstrating a full root shell on iPhone 4.

Obligatory full root shell screenshot on iPhone4: Thanks to new @comex userland JB

Early this morning it was 
announced that the iPhone 4 had been jailbroken by planetbeing using comex's code.

Take a look below...

Spirit Jailbreak Fix for iTunes 9.2 on iOS 3.1.3 and iOS 3.2

The best and the most easiest jailbreak tool has just been updated (unofficially?) to bring support for iTunes 9.2. Earlier when Apple released the final version of iTunes 9.2, it broke the compatibility with Spirit and so this new version brings the required fix to make it compatible with iTunes 9.2. However no new feature has been added. It still does not work with iOS 4 and iPhone 4. Only iOS 3.1.3 and 3.1.2 for iPhone 3GS, 3G, 2G, iPod touch, and iOS 3.2 for iPad is supported.
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Instructions are still the same. You can follow our complete step by step guides to jailbreak your iPad, iPhone 3GS, 3G, 2G and iPod touch 3G/2G on 3.1.3 using Spirit.

For those of you with iPhone 3GS (
new bootrom), iPod touch 2G (MC model) and iPod touch 3G who upgraded to iOS 4, only to find out that you cant jailbreak it back can actually downgrade back to iOS 3.1.3 and then jailbreak it using Spirit. Step by step guide for downgrading your iOS device from iOS 4 to iOS 3.1.3 can be found here (works only if you have SHSH blobs saved for 3.1.3).

Unlocking can be done on any baseband using Ultrasn0w 0.93, instructions for which is posted here.

Download Spirit for Windows (with iTunes 9.2 support)
Download iTunes 9.2 for Window and Mac
Apple has created a new App Store section to highlight 'Awesome iOS 4 Apps'.

If you've just upgraded or purchased a new iPhone 4, you may want to check it out.

Awesome iOS 4 Apps]

The iPhone 4 Has Been Jailbroken!

Planetbeing has successfully jailbroken the iPhone 4 using comex's userland jailbreak code!

Think I'm the first one I know about to get a root shell (and SSH) on iPhone 4, using poor @comex's code (since he has no iPhone 4).

Below you can see a high resolution screenshot of Cydia that 
MuscleNerd posted in a congratulations tweet to both hackers.

Congrats to @comex for another userland JB hi-res Cydia via @planetbeing & @chpwn iPhone4s
p0sixninja says that this jailbreak cannot be released publicly as it contains some of Apple's software.

the jailbreak shown is a more of a stepping stone for us, it can't be released because it includes some of apples software

Planetbeing has confirmed this saying: Don't want to speak for @comex, but afaik no one has breathed a word about release date and what we have right now is nowhere ready.

Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 6, 2010

How to Check the Bootrom Version of Your iPhone (Windows)

These are instructions on how to determine the bootrom version of your iPhone using Windows.

Step One
Connect your iPhone to the computer and put it into DFU mode. If you don't know how to do this you can find instructions

Step Two
Press to launch
Control Panel from your Start Menu.

Step Three
Press to select
Hardware and Sound from your Control Panel window.

Step Four
Press to select
Device Manager from the Hardware and Sound window.

Step Five
Double click to expand the
Universal Serial Bus Controllers category

Step Six
Right click the
Apple Mobile Device USB Driver item and click the Properties button.

Step Seven
Click to select the
Details tab.

Step Eight
Device Instance Path from the Properties dropdown.

Step Nine
Scroll to the end of the field to locate your bootrom version. It should look something like [iBoot-359.3]

***If you have an iPhone 3GS, iBoot-359.3 is considered the old bootrom. iBoot-359.3.2 is considered the new bootrom.

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