Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 1, 2012

How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using Absinthe (Windows) [5.0, 5.0.1]

These are instructions on how to perform an untethered jailbreak of your iPhone 4S using Absinthe for Windows.

Warning***: Before you continue make sure to do a backup of your device in iTunes as you may lose your Camera Roll during this process.

Step One
Download the latest version of Absinthe from here.

Step Two
Double click to extract the downloaded archive and launch the Absinthe application.

Step Three
As prompted, connect your iPhone 4S to the computer via USB. Make sure to remove any passcodes or VPN settings you've previously set.

Step Four
Click the Jailbreak button to begin

Step Five
The application will take you through several steps of the jailbreak: Sending initial data, waiting for reboot, waiting for device to finish booting, Preparing jailbreak data, and Sending payload data.

Step Six
You will be informed that the jailbreak is 'Almost done'.

Step Seven
On your device, locate the Absinthe icon and press it to complete your jailbreak. It could be on any homescreen.

If the server is down and you get an Error establishing a database connection message then tap the Settings icon on your springboard and turn on VPN.

You will get a configuration error; however, after about a minute your device will reboot with Cydia on the Springboard!

Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 1, 2012

Command Line Interface for Corona A5 Jailbreak is Now Available

The iPhone Dev-Team has posted a command line interface (CLI) for the Corona A5 jailbreak.

The OS X version of the CLI can be downloaded from here. The read me with basic instructions for use is here.

This tool is mainly for debugging but the iPhone Dev-Team has made it available for those who like to tinker. Most users should stick with Absinthe to jailbreak their devices.

A5 Jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Has Been Released!

The 'Dream Team' of hackers have just released their untethered jailbreak for the iPhone 4S and the iPad 2.

P0sixninja details some of the background in a post on the Greenpoison blog:

The ridiculously complex combination of exploits-within-exploits that make this iOS jailbreak possible have consumed thousands of hours of brain-power & effort from a legion of world-renowned hackers, several of whom have been working diligently on this project since the dual-core A5 processor was unveiled by Apple last March. Ten months ago, I myself was live tweeting from a tediously long line at the nearest Apple retail store, where I anxiously waited to become one of the world's first owners (& hackers) of the newly-released iPad 2.

Despite new tools to help with finding exploits they realized a team effort was necessary.

We finally admitted that the escalated obstacles presented by Apple's new A5 processor would not likely be overcome by one individual or team – but all together, we should be more than able to conquer any challenges encountered. As such, a diverse group of iOS hackers all decided to set aside our personal goals & egos, relax our die-hard team loyalties, and pool our respective skill-sets, talents & exploits to form an iOS Super-Hacking "Dream Team."

The initial release is currently for Mac OS X only but Windows is coming soon! You can download it here.

iPhone 4S (Mac)
iPad 2 (Mac)

Where to Download Absinthe From

Below you can find links to download Absinthe, a tool released by the Chronic Dev-Team to jailbreak the iPhone 4S and iPad 2.

Absinthe 0.2 (Win):
Absinthe 0.2 (Mac):
Absinthe 0.1.2-2 (Mac):
Absinthe 0.1.2-1 (Mac):

Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 1, 2012

How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using Absinthe (Mac) [5.0, 5.0.1]

These are instructions on how to perform an untethered jailbreak of your iPhone 4S using Absinthe for Mac.

Warning***: Before you continue make sure to do a backup of your device in iTunes as you may lose your Camera Roll during this process.

Step One
Download the latest version of Absinthe from here.

Step Two
Double click to extract the downloaded archive and launch the Absinthe application.

Step Three
As prompted, connect your iPhone 4S to the computer via USB.

Step Four
Click the Jailbreak button to begin

Step Five
The application will take you through several steps of the jailbreak: Sending initial data, waiting for reboot, waiting for device to finish booting, Preparing jailbreak data, and Sending payload data.

Step Six
You will be informed that the jailbreak is 'Almost done'.

Step Seven
On your device, locate the Absinthe icon and press it to complete your jailbreak. It could be on any homescreen.

If the server is down and you get an Error establishing a database connection message then tap the Settings icon on your springboard and turn on VPN.

You will get a configuration error; however, after about a minute your device will reboot with Cydia on the Springboard!

New iPhone 4S Jailbreak Tool is Called Absinthe

Pod2g has revealed that the new iPhone 4S and iPad 2 jailbreak tool developed by the Chronic Dev Team is called Absinthe.

A tool named Absinthe and developed by the Chronic Dev Team will install the untether on your device. Also the iPhone Dev Team will release a CLI (command line) tool to help diagnose issues and repair things if it goes wrong.

This is a little scary I know, but the chance you break something is really small, since we made lots of tests to verify the process on different devices. But it is the first time we use the backup / restore functions of iTunes to install software, and there are maybe things we are not aware of.

For more detailed information ahead of the jailbreak please read the iPhone Dev-Team's post on the matter.

Corona A5 Jailbreak is Nearly Ready for Release [Read This]

 The Corona A5 jailbreak for the iPhone 4S and iPad is nearly ready for release. The team has published some information you need to know.

A post on the iPhone Dev-Team's blog reveals that 'all technical hurdles dealing with the underlying technique have been overcome, and it's now all about making the jailbreak as bug free as possible.'

Jailbreak programs:
To be as flexible as possible, the A5 version of the corona jailbreak will take multiple forms:
● Chronic Dev have incorporated the overall flow into a GUI that runs on your Mac or PC
● iPhone Dev have incorporated the exact same flow into a command-line interface (CLI). This will allow us to help users through individual steps of the jailbreak manually, to both help the user and help improve the overall flow. Although the CLI will also allow the user to perform the entire jailbreak from beginning to end, we anticipate it will be more useful in debugging the occasional errors. The CLI currently has over 20 individual options (in addition to the single "jailbreak" option) that should be useful during debug after the GUI release.
● Once all the bugs in the flow are worked out, we'll also incorporate it into the redsn0w GUI (but still leave the CLI freely available too). In order to maximize the chances of the jailbreak working for everyone, the redsn0w GUI will use native Apple iTunes libraries - this technique is slightly different than how the Chronic Dev GUI handles communications, and should provide nice combined coverage for all the odd computer configurations out there.

Paypal Contributions:
Because there were so many different people and teams involved in the A5 corona release, we all felt the most equitable approach to any Paypal contributions should involve a single shared account. If you do feel the desire to contribute to the "dream team" Paypal account, it will be distributed to the members according to internally agreed-upon proportions :) The same link will be on both the Chronic Dev and iPhone Dev versions of the GUI. This method seemed like the fairest to everyone involved!

The supported firmware versions will be:
● iPhone4S: 5.0 (9A334), 5.0.1 (9A405) and the "other" 5.0.1 (9A406)
● iPad2: 5.0.1 (9A405)

As we mentioned earlier, if you are an iPhone 4S owner and you want the best chance at an unlock, you should stay at 5.0. If you are already at 5.0.1 you should make sure you're on the 9A405 build or downgrade to that build so you stay at the lowest possible baseband.

To find out when the jailbreak is released you can follow us on TwitterFacebookRSS, or check out the new iClarified menu bar app and the new HTML 5 web app.

Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 1, 2012

iPhone 4S And iPad 2 Untethered Jailbreak Release Seems Imminent

The cat and mouse game between the engineers at Apple and the people that provide us with jailbreaks is turning into more of a war than a game. For as long as I can remember, the production of a jailbreak for new devices and firmwares has always had stumbling blocks, but rarely has it thrown as many obstacles in the way as the current pursuit of the A5 jailbreak. We are only eight weeks away from the the iPad 2’s first birthday, and in that time we have only seen an untethered jailbreak possible on iOS 4.3.3 using JailbreakMe 3.0.
Whether or not we will ever see a jailbreak as beautiful as Comex’s JailbreakMe remains to be seen. The simplicity and ease of use of the Safari based liberation removed all of the technical difficulties that some users experience during a jailbreak and opened up the world of jailbreaking to people who had never before considered it. By exploiting a parser security flaw in certain versions of iOS, Comex was able to force Safari to render a PDF then take advantage of a kernel flaw in order to inject the untethered files.
It has now been just over eight weeks since French developer Pod2g revealed that he had found a bug which he believed could be exploited to produce a jailbreak for devs running iOS 5. His theories were obviously correct, with the immediate work beginning allowing the community to benefit from an iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak for all devices running Apple’s A4 processor. This jailbreak is referred to as ‘Corona’ and has been integrated into the Redsn0w tool by the iPhone Dev Team, or is available as a Cydia download for users who are already running a tethered jailbreak.
Unfortunately, the production of a jailbreak for the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 was not possible, due to various reasons. Achieving an untethered jailbreak on the A5 devices is technically possible, this is evident by the fact that Pod2g himself as an untethered 4S test device. The problem is however, that the method used to achieve that untethered status requires the use of an official Apple developer account, therefore making it impossible to legally distribute the jailbreak.
One of the beautiful things about the jailbreak community is that in times of need, unity is achieved. Separate teams exist, all trying to achieve the same goal, but all wanting to get there first. However, in this instance the most experienced and knowledgeable hackers and developers have come together in one final push past the finishing line. If the latest blog postby Pod2g, and last night’s Tweet from PlanetBeing is anything to go by then we should hopefully have some evidence of that elusive A5 jailbreak very soon.
The promising words that every user wanted to hear from Pod2g’s official blog:
@planetbeing escaped from the sandbox with the help of @saurik. Thanks to their awesome work, there should be nothing left blocking for the A5 jailbreak.
iPad 2 iOS 5
Without giving any precise estimated time of arrival, the French developer estimates that it could be a matter of days until release.

Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 1, 2012

Pod2g Posts FAQ on iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered Jailbreak

Pod2g has posted on his blog to answer some questions about the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 untethered jailbreak.

How could pod2g have an untethered 4S and dev teams still haven't released tools to achieve this at home ?
The exploit I used to inject the untethering files to the 4S relies on having a developer account, and can't be released publicly. It's the same reason why @MuscleNerd has an iPad 2 tethered jailbreak but couldn't distribute it. So, we need to find a distributable exploit to remount the system partition read/write and to set Corona files at the correct places.

Why A4 version of Corona was easier to release ?
Because a tethered jailbreak is a good way to install Corona!

Why don't you do a tethered jailbreak then ?
A tethered jailbreak also relies on an exploitable vulnerability that we still haven't found yet !

Earlier this week, pod2g posted that he had made good progress on the jailbreak for A5 devices and said with some luck we could expect a release in a week.

Read More

Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 1, 2012

Pod2g Makes Progress With A5 Jailbreak, Release Could Come in a Week!

Pod2g has just tweeted some interesting information regarding the A5 jailbreak. Apparently, pod2g has made good progress on the jailbreak for A5 devices and claims that if lucky, we could expect it in a week!

I made a step today for the A5. With some luck we could expect a release in a week.

Keep in mind though, there are still some roadblocks ahead and the ETA can always get pushed back. In the meantime, you can jailbreak any pre-A5 device on 5.0.1 using our jailbreak wizard located here.
We will keep you updated on the A5 jailbreak as well. You can follow us on TwitterFacebookRSS, or check out the new iClarified menu app.

via Pod2g

Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 1, 2012

How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 3GS Using PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone 3GS on iOS 5.0.1 using PwnageTool for Mac.

Step One
Make a folder called "Pwnage" on the desktop. In it, you will need a couple of things. PwnageTool 5.0.1, found here.

You will also need the 5.0.1 iPhone firmware found here.

When downloading the IPSW file, it is best to download it with Firefox since Safari often auto extracts it!

Step Two
Double click to mount PwnageTool then drag the PwnageTool icon into the Pwnage folder.

Then from the Pwnage folder double click to launch the PwnageTool application

Click Ok if presented with a warning.

Step Three
Click to select Expert Mode from the top menu bar

Step Four
Click to select your device. A check-mark will appear over the image of the device. Click the blue arrow button to continue.

Step Five
You will be brought to the "Browse for IPSW" page. Click the Browse for IPSW... button.

From the popup window select your firmware from the Pwnage folder then click the Open button.

Step Six
You will then be brought to a menu with several choices. Click to select General then click the blue arrow button.

The General settings allows you to decide the partition size. Check Activate the phone if you are not with an official carrier then click the blue arrow button.

NOTE*: Deselect Activate if you have an iPhone legitimately activated on an official carrier.

The Cydia settings menu allows you to create custom packages so you do not have to manually install the necessary them later.

Click to select the Download packages tab. Then click the Refresh button to display all the available packages. Double clicking the package you want will download it and make it available in the Select Packages tab.

Checkmark the ones you want then click the blue arrow button.

The Custom Packages Settings menu displays listed package settings for your custom IPSW. For know leave these settings as is. Click the blue arrow button to continue.

Step Seven
You are now ready to begin the pwnage process! Click the Build button to select it then click the Blue arrow button to begin.

Step Eight
You will be asked to save your custom .ipsw file. Save it to your Pwnage folder you created on your Desktop.

Your IPSW is now being built. Please allow up to 10 minutes.

You will be asked to enter your administrator password. Do this then click the OK button.

Step Nine
Once your ipsw has been built you will be asked to connect your iPhone to the computer. Once it detects your device PwnageTool will guide your through the steps to putting your iPhone into DFU mode.

Press and hold the power and home buttons for 10 seconds.

Then release the power button and continue holding the home button for 10 seconds.

Once your iPhone is successfully in DFU mode, PwnageTool will prompt you to launch iTunes.

Step Ten
Once In iTunes, hold the Alt/Option key and click Restore.

Step Eleven
Navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop using the dialog window that appears. Select the custom IPSW that was created and click the Choose button.

Step Twelve
iTunes will now restore the firmware on your iPhone. This can also take up to 10 minutes. Once done you will be rebooted into jailbroken iOS 5.0.1!

***THANKS: Thank you to iPhone Dev-Team, Chronic Dev-Team, I0nic, and Geohot for their hard work in making this jailbreak and tutorial possible!

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