Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 7, 2010

How To Jailbreak iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.0.1 Using PwnageTool Bundles[Mac]

PwnageTool bundle to jailbreak iOS 4.0.1 on iPhone 3GS has been released. You can use this bundle with existing version of PwnageTool to create custom firmware files which are jailbroken and hacktivated for iPhone 3GS. The best thing about this bundle is that it supports both the ultrasn0w unlock and hacktivation. But as always, this bundle is meant for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom only. Those of you who are with new bootrom will have to wait for Comex's new Spirit like jailbreak tool which should be released real soon.

Note: This JB bundle works with the current version of Ultrasn0w and supports hacktivation.

Please be aware of the the following requirements:

  • iPhone 3GS (with older bootroom, aka can be jb without tethering)
  • iTunes 9.2.1
  • iPhone is currently jailbroken (pwned, not spirited)

If you meet these requirements than you may proceed at your own risk. I will not be liable for any headaches, lost of productivity, lost messages, etc. Be aware as always, you many not be getting what you think if you are not grabbing the files directly from Apple. Ok so lets get started!

  1. Download Pwnagetool from Here
  2. Download Bundle from Here

Extract all of the files and place them in this directory. You should have the following files:

  • iPhone2,1_4.0.1_8A306.bundle

Open a terminal window and change into the jb directory

kaatje:jb kaatje$ ls -al total 0 drwxr-xr-x@  5 kaatje  staff  170 11 jun 05:48 . drwxr-xr-x   9 kaatje  staff  306 11 jun 05:40 .. drwxr-xr-x   3 kaatje  staff  102  7 feb 13:20 drwxr-xr-x  13 kaatje  staff  442 10 jun 15:49 iPhone2,1_4.0.1_8A306.bundle kaatje:jb kaatje$ mv iPhone2,1_4.0.1_8A306.bundle kaatje:jb kaatje$ exit

Once you have completed these few steps, you may proceed to build your custom ipsw. Launch Pwnagetool, when it fails to find your firmware, select the location to it, possibly in your Downloads folder. After a couple of minutes of working, it will prompt you for your password, so enter it and then let it proceed. Once it is complete, and your custom ipsw has been built, it is time to go into iTunes. I *HIGHLY* recommend that you sync before going any further. Backup your contacts, calendars, music, photos, etc as these will all be wiped away.

So, you synced everything and are ready to restore… Select your iPhone, Hold the Option key and click on Restore. A dialog box will open and allow you to choose your image to restore. Navigate to the ipsw that you just created. Click on OK and let it do it’s thing.

Congrats, your iPhone is now running iOS 4.0.1. Once you activate, you will see Cydia in your list of applications. Do not hesitate to do a complete update. If it hangs, sometimes it will, just power cycle your phone and try again.

To recap, this is for Mac users only! Your baseband will be preserved! You must be already jailbroken for this to work. This does not use any new magical exploits, just the famous 24kpwn exploit so older bootroms are required. I will not offer support on why application or tool xyz does not work. Use of this is at your own risk!

NOTE: If you Hacktivate, you will need to add cydia source and install pushdoctor for youtube and push notifications to work. This is not needed if you activate with an official sim.

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