Note: Of-course you will need a Jailbroken iDevice – Follow any of these tutorials (Jailbreak iPhone 4 /Jailbreak iPhone 3GS & iPodTouch 3G / Jailbreak iPad)
Step 1: Download Frash 0.02 & CyberDuck for Mac or WinSCP for Win (Downlinks at the bottom of the post)
Step 2: Launch Cydia, Tap on Search, Look for ‘OpenSSH‘ and install it.
Step 3: Once installed, Launch CyberDuck for Mac / WinSCP for Windows
- Mac – CyberDuck (Server = Your iPhone IP Addess, UserName = root, Password = alpine and Protocol = SSH File Transfer)
- Win – WinSCP (Hostname = Your iPhone IP Address, Username = root, Password = alpine and Protocol = SCP)
Step 4: Navigate to this folder “/var/root/Media”. Then create a new folder by name “Cydia” inside the Media folder
Step 5: Open the newly created Cydia folder and create one more new folder by name “AutoInstall”
Step 6: Move the downloaded Frash-0.02.deb to “AutoInstall” folder.
Step 7: Now, give your iDevice a reboot and once its up and running you should see it running Flash content except flash videos.
Note: To play it just tap on the F logo. Enjoy
Download Links
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